Check out this overview of “The Clappening”, Spectro’s annual meetup at Ace Cafe Orlando on 9.20.2020. The meetup supported by both Drive Florida and Kosoku Motorsports. Big shoutout to Jadiel at Kosoku for donating a Sikky pullback handbrake for our Instagram giveaway and to Frankie at Drive Florida for hosting a rally into the meetup! Stay tuned and follow us on instagram and facebook for future events!
Gridlife Alpine Festival
Join the Spectro Crew at Gridlife Alpine Festival!
#GRIDLIFE returns to Colorado with an even bigger and more expansive lineup of experiences in 2020.
This will be the event of the year with more off site experiences more Night Shift bigger stages and double the production. You don’t want to miss the new flagship of the #GRIDLIFE season
Grid Life South Party in the Pits 2019
Spectro’s Party in the Pits in 2018 was a huge success (just no pit bike jumping this time lol). Time for round 2 at Grid Life South 2019 August 23-25th.
Find Team Spectro half way down the paddock (right before the start of the vendor area). Saturday night the 24th for a wild time!
2018 ‘s Car Show
Spectro's Not-Your-Average Car Show at Ace Cafe!
Welcome to the Spectro Racing Not-Your-Average Car Show. Come earn (or give) the recognition that your builds deserve! There will be trophies awarded for each category. To enter, simply subscribe to our YT channel. This show is free!
Entry for show 3-4pm
Voting starts at 4pm
Prizes at 5pm.
Categories and Criteria:
1. Shittiest Shit Box
-We are all just amazed that you made it here in that leaky rattling death trap
2. Most Vaped In
-Bonus points if you can smell what flavor was last used
3. Hella Flushedest / Most Stancedest
-Tire life be damned, let’s get this mega-camber bitch stuck on a speed bump
4. Haters Will Say It’s Not a Build
-A cone filter, Racelands coilovers, fart can, and LEDs = fully built racekor
5. Most Useless Aero
-It’s the size of your wang, not how you use it.
Spectro Party in the Pits at Grid Life!
Come Join The Spectro Racing Crew at Grid Life South, Road Atlanta August 24/25th for a party in the pits after the main events both nights! Free Glow sticks, Vinyls, and much more if you are a YT subscriber!
Buy Tickets to Grid Life Here