Grant goes through the off season upgrades to the Spectro Racing S197 Mustang.
2025 Schedule
The Spectro Crew will be attending the above Grid Life Time Attack events in various classes. Along with some Autocross sprinkled throughout the state of Florida. Come join us!
Canadian Autocross? - Crossing the CAN/USA border
Grant Travels to Canada for an Autoslalom aka Autocross to visit a friend. In this video we go over what documents you will need in order to tow a racecar into Canada from the United States.
The Fastest Mini Warthog: Build Part 2
Grant goes through the updates to the Warthog Pit Vehicle he uses at Grid Life events. Complete rewire, lights, 3D Printed hubs and more
Grid Life Lime Rock Park Mustang & Season Results Thoughts
Grant goes to Lime Rock for his event 4 of the 2024 Grid Life Track Battle Season. This is the lap and some closing thoughts on the season and Lime Rock itself
Lowering Trailer worth it? - Futura ProSport Trailer Review
I recently purchased a 20' Futura Pro Sport Lowering Trailer. After a few events and 6,000 miles i figured id put together this review. I get a lot of questions on why i bought this and if it was worth it. I go through the good and bad. Not sponsored. It was expensive lol.